Sunday, 28 April 2013

Send free unlimited sms from your Airtel Mobile

Here iam sharing you a 100% working Airtel hacking trick.This trick is not popular.So iam posting this trick to make this 100% working trick for airtel users.You can send unlimited sms from your Airtel mobile without paying charges.I think this trick working only some NOKIA phones.I tried this trick on NOKIA C1,NOKIA Express Music AND NOKIA C5.

Step 1:Create a new message center 
     Message Center Name: ANY
     Message Center Number (MOST Important):  +919810051905
Step 2:Select preferred connection -> Packet Data
Step 3:After creating a new message center, please manually select it from
Step 4:Now Go to setting -> Phone Setting -> Connection -> Packet Data
     Here change PACKET DATA CONNECTION -> when available
     and Access Point -> Airtel Live! ( Pls. Write as I have written here)

All setting has been DONE !!

Airtel increased their SMS Offer charge.So it will be a helpful trick for airtel users to send SMS and connect with your friends.

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